September 10, 2018 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office at 9 am September 10, 2018. Chr. Zeller asked Deputy Clk Mellor to conduct the roll call for the meeting. Deputy Clk Mellor took roll call as follows, Chr. Zeller present, Commissioner Meier present and Commissioner Fanning present. Deputy Clk Mellor informed the Chr. that a quorum is present and the meeting could continue.

Chr. Zeller said that the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the minutes from the September 4, 2018 board meeting need approval from the board. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 4 board meeting as written. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the bills for $46,194.73 are the next items on the agenda for approval. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the verifiable payroll for distribution on the 14 of September needs approval from the board. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated date. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the board had a request for a one- day liquor license for Hamilton’s catering on October 13, 2018. There was discussion. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the request for a one-day liquor license as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Reports of Departments-Chr. Zeller said that the Flu Clinic would be at the JHS Bowl October 4 and 5. Chr. Zeller said that the 911 services would be held tomorrow night at 6 pm on the plaza.

Public Comment-Ralph Wohlers spoke about the revenue that would be generated from the Wind Farms that would help school districts. Vickie Kindred said that a meeting in the council room at the Municipal Building had posted the agenda this morning.

Chairman’s Remarks-none

Commissioner Meier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved and the meeting stands adjourned.