The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday March 24, 2014. Present were Chairman Bradley A. Zeller, Commissioner Dick Rawlings and Commissioner Bill Meier.
Chr. Zeller said that the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Chr. Zeller said that the approval of the minuets from the March 10 board meeting is the next item needing approval. Commissioner Rawlings made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
The next item on the agenda is the Treasurers report and the Treasurer is present and will explain this for us Chr. Zeller said. Ms. Hornbeek said that the only thing she had to point out is the new savings account that she opened at Jacksonville Savings Bank. There was discussion. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the Treasurers report as presented. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Chr. Zeller said that the bills in the amount of $66,277.38 are the next agenda item needing approval. Commissioner Rawlings made a motion to approve the bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Chr. Zeller said that the verifiable payroll for disbursement on March 28 is the next for approval. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated date. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Chr. Zeller said that the next item on the agenda is a cancellation of Certificate of Purchase. This type of cancellation has been granted in the past Chr. Zeller said and this has a little different wording as it involves a mobile home. There was discussion. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the certificate as discussed. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Chr. Zeller said that the board had a resolution to rescind the Enterprise Zone expansion for Villas of Holy Brook. There was discussion. Chr. Zeller said that the Villas of Holy Brook felt with all the new facilities being built that their facility was not needed at this time. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the resolution as presented. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Reports of Departments-none
Communications-Commissioner Rawlings said that when their office receives complaints or concerns that they need to have a contact name and number so that the board my address the issue. Otherwise they have no one to discuss the situation with.
Commissioner Meier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved. The meeting is adjourned.