Author Archive | Ginny Fanning

August 31, 2022 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

AUGUST 31, 2022
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of August 29, 2022 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) One Day Liquor License for the Water’s Edge Winery for September 3, 2022
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

August 31, 2022

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Commissioner Fanning asked County Clerk Waggener for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “present”, Commissioner Fanning answered “present”. In the absence of Chr. Zeller this morning from the meeting, Vice Chr. Fanning will be conducting the meeting. Clk. Waggener informed the Vice Chr. that a quorum is present and the meeting could continue.

Vice Chr. Fanning asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Vice Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Approval of the August 29 board meeting minutes is the next item needing approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Vice Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports. Including finance report-none

Vice Chr. Fanning said a request for a one-day liquor license from the Water’s Edge Winery has been submitted to the Commissioner’s. The date for this event is September 3, 2022, Vice Chr. Fanning said. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the one-day liquor license as submitted. Vice-Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-Vice Chr. Fanning said she was reminding everyone the Courthouse will be closed on Monday September 5, and the board meeting will be held on September 6.

Commissioner Wankel made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed. The meeting stands adjourned.

August 29, 2022 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

AUGUST 29, 2022
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of August 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) FY 23 Budget
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

AUGUST 29, 2022

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met on Monday August 29, 2022 at 9 am in the Commissioner’s office. Chr. Zeller asked County Clerk Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “present”, Commissioner Wankel answered “present” and Chr. Zeller answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed Chr. Zeller a quorum is present and the meeting could continue.

Chr. Zeller said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said minutes from the August 22 board meeting also need approval from the board. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports, including finance report-none

Chr. Zeller said the next order of business is the approval of the FY 2023 budget. There is discussion as Chr. Zeller pointed out raises and other highlights of the budget. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the FY 2023 budget as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows for the FY 23 budget, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chr. Remarks-Chr. Zeller said there will be a special meeting on Wednesday morning for the approval of a one day liquor license and the approval of today’s board minutes. Chr. Zeller also said the Courthouse will be closed Monday, September 5.

Commissioner Fanning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

August 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 16644

AUGUST 22, 2022
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of August 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
c) Appointment of Jamie Jackson to the West Central Joint Emergency Telephone Systems Board as the Morgan County Representative for a term ending December, 2025
d) Resolution for Delinquent Tax Payment
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

AUGUST 22, 2022

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday August 22, 2022 at 9 am. Chr. Zeller asked County Clerk Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “present”, Commissioner Wankel answered “present” and Chr. Zeller answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting would be able to continue.

Chr. Zeller said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said minutes from the August 8 board meeting also need approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report-none

Chr. Zeller said bills for $337,410.86 need approval from the board for payment. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amounts as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said verifiable payroll for signing on the 29 and distribution on the 30 of August, respectfully, needs approval from the board. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for verifiable payroll as stated as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said a resolution to appoint Jamie Jackson to the West Central Joint Emergency Telephone Systems Board as the Morgan County Representative is the next item on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the appointment of Jamie Jackson as discussed. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

The next item on the agenda, Chr. Zeller said, is the approval of a resolution for a Delinquent Tax payment. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the resolution for the delinquent tax payment as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the delinquent tax payment as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-Chr. Zeller said the board will be meeting next Monday to discuss the budget and place the final draft on file in the County Clerk’s office as required.

Commissioner Fanning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

August 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

AUGUST 8, 2022
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of July 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

AUGUST 8, 2022
The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday August 8, 2022 at 9 am. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. County Clerk Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “present”, Commissioner Wankel (via telephone call in) answered “present” and Chairman Zeller answered “present’. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Zeller asked for approval of the agenda. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said July 23 board meeting minutes need approval from the board. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report-none

Chr. Zeller said bills for $59,568.81 need approval from the board for payment. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amount as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye’ and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said that verifiable payroll for signing on the 12 and distributing on the 13 of August respectfully is the next item for approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll as stated. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll for the stated dates as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chr. Remarks-Chr. Zeller said that the Board will have a preliminary budget on file in the County Clerk’s office on August 15, 2022. Chr. Zeller said that the email for the Wind Farm is now updated and the hot line is updated as well.

Commissioner Fanning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed. The meeting stands adjourned.

July 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442
JULY 25, 2022
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of July 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
c) One Day Liquor License for the Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce for September 15, 2022
d) Engineering Contract for Phase 3 Construction for the Murrayville Road Project (19-00108-00-RS)
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

JULY 25, 2022

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday. July 25, 2022 at 9 am. Chairman Bradley A. Zeller asked County Clerk Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “present”, Commissioner Wankel answered “present” and Chr. Zeller answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Zeller said that the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has been approved.

The approval of the July 11 board meeting minutes is the next item on the agenda, said Chr. Zeller. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes with the corrected bill amount of $106,563.77. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-Joana Ramsey was present to get an update on the Lincoln Land ADLS System and the hotline number.

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report-Matt Coultas gave an update on the Concord/Arenzillve Road project. There is discussion.

Chr. Zeller said bills for $43,609.97 need approval from the board for payment. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amount as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said verifiable payroll for signing on the 28 and distribution on the 29 of July also needs approval from the board. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll as stated as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said a request for a one-day liquor license for the Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce for September 15, 2022 is the next item for approval. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the request for the one-day liquor license as discussed. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the one day liquor license as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said an engineering contract for the phase 3 construction on the Murrayville Road project is the next item on the agenda. Matt Coultas said this contract is with Hutchison Engineering firm and gave an update on this project. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the engineering contract with Hutchison Engineering as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the approval of the engineering project as discussed as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-none

Commissioner Fanning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

July 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

JULY 11, 2022
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of June 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
c) Resolution appointing Brooklyn Knapp to the West Central Mass Transit Board of Trustees for a three-year term
d) Resolution appointing Kristin Jamison and Michael Wankel to the West Central Development Council Board for a two-year term
e) Resolution reappointing Allen Vogt to the position of Supervisor of Assessments for a four-year term
f) Presentation from the Coalition to Stop CO2 Pipelines
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

July 11, 2022

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Law Library of the Courthouse on Monday July 11, 2022 at 9 am. Chr. Zeller asked County Clerk Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “present”, Commissioner Wankel answered “present” and Chr. Zeller answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting could proceed.

Chr. Zeller said the approval of the agenda is the first item needing approval. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said the minutes from the June 21 board meeting is the next item for approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Al voted “aye”. The motion is approved.

Public Comment-Alec Messina representing the CO2 pipeline introduced himself. There was discussion.

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports, including Finance Report-County Clerk Waggener said the election is over and her office will be closing the election tomorrow and official results will be available after tomorrow.

Chr. Zeller said bills for $130,469.47 need approval from the board for payment. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amount as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said verifiable payroll for the signing on July 14 and distribution on the 15 is the next item on the agenda. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable for the stated dates. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Zeller asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll as stated as follows, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Zeller answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said a resolution appointing Brooklyn Knapp to the West Central Mass Transit Board of Trustees for a three year term is the next item on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the resolution as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said a resolution approving Kristin Jamison and Michael Wankel to the West Central Development Council Board for a two year term is the next item for approval. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the resolution as discussed. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Al voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Zeller said a presentation from the Coalition to stop CO2 pipelines is the next item on the agenda. Lan and Pam Richart are present and gave a presentation for the board.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-none

Commissioner Fanning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.