Author Archive | Ginny Fanning

December 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442
DECEMBER 18, 2023
9:00 AM

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of December 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Consideration and Approval of December 11, 2023 Truth in Taxation Public Hearing Meeting Minutes
6. Public Comment
7. Committee Reports
8. Staff and Consultant Reports
9. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) FY 2024 Morgan County Tax Levy Ordinance
b) FY 2024 Marnico Village Tax Levy Ordinance
c) Acceptance of the MFT Resolution for Maintenance (Form BLR 14220)
d) Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Payment of the County Engineer’s Salary (Form BLR 09221)
e) Request for Expenditure of MFT Funds (Form BLR 09150) for the Engineer’s Salary
f) Re-appointment of Roger Hardy to the Morgan County Board of Appeals for a five-year term
g) Appointment of Kelly Hall to fill an unexpired term to the Morgan County Board of Appeals
10. Other Business
a) Presentation on Tendick Street Apartments Project
11. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
12. Chairman’s Remarks
13. Adjournment

DECEMBER 18, 2023

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioners office on Monday, December 18, 2023 at 9 am. Chr. Wankel asked County Clerk Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “present”, Commissioner Fanning answered “present” and Chr. Wankel answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Wankel said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said minutes from the December 11, 2023 board meeting need approval from the board. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the November 11 board minutes as written. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said minutes from the December 11, 2023 Truth in Taxation public hearing need approval from the board. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the minutes for the Truth in Taxation hearing as written. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports-Mr. Noll, State’s Attorney, said he recently attended the conference for State’s Attorney’s.
Matt Coultas, County Engineer, said bridge work in Rd. Dist. #1 on Johnson Rd. has begun.

Chr. Wankel said the approval of the FY 2024 Morgan County tax levy ordinance is the next item for approval on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the FY 2024 Morgan County as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the FY 2024 Morgan County tax levy as presented as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said the 2024 FY Marnico Village tax levy also needs approval from the board. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the 2024 tax levy for Marnico Village as presented. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the FY 2024 Marnico Village as discussed as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said acceptance of the MFT resolution for maintenance (Form BLR 14220) is the next item for approval and Matt Coultas would explain for the board. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the MFT resolution as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the acceptance of the MFT resolution as discussed as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said a resolution appropriating funds for the payment of the County Engineer’s salary (Form BLF 09221) is the next item for approval. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the resolution appropriating funds for the payment of the County Engineer’s salary as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the approval of the resolution appropriating funds for the County Engineer’s salary as discussed as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said a request for expenditure of MFT funds (Form BLR 09150) for the Engineer’s salary is the next item on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the request for expenditure of MFT funds for the Engineer’s salary as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the approval of the request for expenditure of MFT funds for the Engineer’s salary as discussed as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk., Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said a re-appointment of Roger Hardy to the Morgan County Board of Appeals for a five-year term is the next item for approval from the board. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the re-appointment as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said an appointment of Kelly Hall to the Morgan County Board of Appeals to fill an unexpired term is the next item on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the appointment of Kelly Hall as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Other Business- Chr. Wankel said a presentation of the Tendick Street Apartment project is next on the agenda and Mike Neihaus is present and would explain this project. Mr. Neihaus said there is a proposal for a 24-apartment unit for the homeless. Mr. Neihaus said the federal government is funding 90% of this project, and the City of Jacksonville is giving another $220.000 for the project. There is discussion. Chr. Wankel thanked Mr. Neihaus for the information and there would be further discussion.

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none
Chairman’s Remarks-Chr. Wankel said the Courthouse will be closing at noon this Friday, December 22 and will be closed Monday December 25 in observance of Christmas.

Commissioner Fanning made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

December 11, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

DECEMBER 11, 2023
9:00 AM

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of November 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Re-organization of the County Board
b) Bills
c) Payroll
d) 2024 Holiday Schedule
e) 2024 County Board Meeting Schedule
f) Resolution to Increase Election Judge Pay per Public Act 103-0008
g) Release and Vacation of Dedication of Right-Of-Way for Public Road Purposes Parcel Numbers: 03-31-400-007, 03-31-200-007, 03-31-400-002, and 03-32-300-007
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

DECEMBER 11, 2023

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office at 9 am on Monday December 11, 2023. Chr. Fanning asked County Clk. Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “present”, Commissioner Zeller answered “present and Chr. Fanning answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Fanning said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has been approved.

Chr. Fanning said minutes from the board meeting on November 20 need approval from the board. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has been approved.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports-none

Chr. Fanning said that this meeting is the re-organization of the board for the upcoming year 2024. Chr. Fanning said a new chairman and vice chairman are elected at this meeting. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to appoint Commissioner Wankel as the new chairman. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed. Chr. Wankel will conduct the meeting.

Chr. Wankel said a vice chairman will need to be appointed as well this morning. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to appoint Commissioner Fanning as vice chairman. Chr. Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed. Commissioner Fanning is vice chairman of the board.

Chr. Wankel said bills for $141,902.14 need approval from the board for payment. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amount as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said verifiable payroll for the signing on the 14th and distribution on the 15th is the next item on the agenda. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll as stated as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said the 2024 holiday schedule that was signed by Judge Reif is the next item for approval. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the holiday schedule as presented. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said the 2024 county board meeting schedule also needs approval from the board. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the county board meeting schedule as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said a resolution to increase the election judge pay is the next item on the agenda and the County Clerk will explain this. Clk. Waggener said that Public Act 103-0008 will increase the election judge pay an additional $25 per election. Clk. Waggener said this increase will be reimbursed by the State Board of Elections. There is discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the resolution for the increase to election judge pay as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows for the resolution to increase the election judge pay, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye” and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Wankel said release and vacation of dedication of right of way for public road purposes, parcel numbers 03-31-400-007, 03-31-400-002 and 03-32-300-007. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the release and vacation of dedication of right of way as discussed. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. Chr. Wankel asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the release and vacation of dedication right of way as discussed as follows, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye”, Commissioner Fanning answered “aye”, and Chr. Wankel answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks- Chr. Wankel said a Truth and Taxation hearing will be held at 9:30 am in the Commissioner Office this morning.

Commissioner Fanning made a motion the meeting. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

November 20, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

NOVEMBER 20, 2023
9:00 AM

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of November 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
c) Resolution for Annual State’s Attorney and Appellate Prosecutor’s Office Contract
d) Resolution determining the estimated Morgan County Real Estate Tax Levy for Year 2023
e) Resolution determining the estimated Marnico Village Special Assessment Annual Tax Levy for Year 2023
f) Ordinance approving the Execution of a Morgan County Building Permit for the Construction and Operation of a Substation and Underground Collector Lines and Related Facilities by Applicant Lotus Wind for the Lotus Wind Project in Macoupin County
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

November 20, 2023

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday November 20, 2023 at 9 am. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Couty Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “present”, Commissioner Zeller answered “present” and Chr. Fanning answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Fanning said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said the board meeting minutes from November 6 also need approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-Lindsey Ryan congratulated Chr. Fanning on her upcoming retirement.

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant-County Clk. Waggener said her office has around 180 voter cards to finish and mail out. Clk. Waggener said this will complete cards begin mailed, except for address changes and name changes, which will begin in the next couple of weeks. Clk. Waggener said petition filing will begin November 27 at 8:30 am and conclude at 5:00 pm December 4 for Morgan County local races for the March 2024 primary.

Chr. Fanning said bills for $348,179.25 need approval from the board for payment. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amount as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said verifiable payroll for signing on the 29th and distribution on the 30th of November, respectfully, is the next item for approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll for the stated dates as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said a resolution for the annual State’s Attorney and Appellate Prosecutor’s office is the next item on the agenda and State’s Attorney Noll is present and would explain this. State’s Attorney Noll said that this is an annual resolution that is presented every year to the board for approval. State’s Attorney Noll said the last two years the cost to the county has been $14,000 with an increase this year to $15,000. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the resolution between the State’s Attorney and the Appellate Prosecutor’s offices as discussed. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the resolution between the State’s Attorney and Appellate Prosecutors offices as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said a resolution determining the estimated Morgan County Real Estate tax levy for 2023 is the next item on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the resolution determining the estimated Morgan County Real Estate tax levy for 2023. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the resolution estimating the Morgan County real estate tax levy for 2023 as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said a resolution determining the estimated Marnico Village Special Assessment annual tax levy for the tax year 2023 is the next item for approval. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the resolution for the estimated Marnico Village Special Assessment annual tax levy as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said an ordinance approving the execution of a Morgan County building permit for the construction and operation of a substation and underground collector lines and related facilities by applicant Lotus Wind for the Lotus Wind Project in Macoupin County and Dusty Douglas is present and would explain this ordinance. Mr. Douglas said this project in Macoupin County will consist of 45 wind turbines. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the ordinance for the building permit for Lotus Wind project as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the ordinance approving the execution for the Morgan County building permit for construction and operation of a substation for the Lotus Wind Project in Macoupin County as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-Chr. Fanning said the Courthouse will be closed Thursday and Friday of this week in observance of Thanksgiving and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Commissioner Zeller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

November 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

NOVEMBER 6, 2023
9:00 AM

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of October 23, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
c) Resolution for Delinquent Tax Payment
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

NOVEMBER 6, 2023

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioners office on Monday, November 6, 2023 9am. Chr. Fanning asked Clk. Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “present” and Chr. Fanning answered “present”.
Commissioner Zeller is absent from today’s meeting. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Fanning said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said board meeting minutes from October 23 need approved. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports-none

Chr. Fanning said bills from the general fund of $61,468.51 and from ARPA fund of $83,523.71 need approval from the board for payment. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the bills in the stated amounts. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion and asked for roll call.
Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amounts as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said verifiable payroll for signing on the 14 and distribution on the 15 of November, respectfully, is the next item for approval. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion and asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll as stated as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said a resolution for delinquent tax payments is next on the agenda. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the resolution as discussed for the delinquent tax payments. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion and asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the resolution for delinquent tax payments as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Other Business-none

Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-Chr. Fanning said the Courthouse will be closed this Friday, November 10 in observance of Veteran’s Day.

Commissioner Wankel made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chr. Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.

October 23, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Morgan County Board is providing a call-in number for public participation without physical presence at the Board meeting.
Dial-in number: 1-701-802-5482
Access code: 166442

OCTOBER 23, 2023
9:00 AM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Members
3. Approval of the Agenda
4. Consideration and Approval of October 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes
5. Public Comment
6. Committee Reports
7. Staff and Consultant Reports
8. Consideration and Action on Business Agenda Items (Motion and Roll Call Vote or Voice Votes)
a) Bills
b) Payroll
c) Construction Contract with County Contractors Inc. for removal and replacement of SN 069-3088 along Arnold Road in Road District #8. (TBP and RBI Funds)
d) Construction Contract with Yamnitz and Associates for removal and replacement of SN 069-3115 along Johnson Road in Road District #1. (TBP and RBI Funds)
e) Engineering Agreement for Road District #1 to design replacement structure for SN 069-3014 on Wheeler Road. (TBP and RBI Funds)
f) Engineering Agreement for Road District #1 to design replacement structure for SN 069-3202 on Arcadia Road. (TBP and RBI Funds)
g) Engineering Agreement for Road District #8 to design replacement structure for SN 069-3173 on Woods Lane. (TBP and RBI Funds)
h) Engineering Agreement for Road District #8 to design replacement structure for SN 069-3176 on Stevenson Road. (TBP and RBI Funds)
i) Phase III Engineering Agreement with Road District #6 to perform Construction oversite for multiple culvert replacements. (RBI Funds)
j) Phase III Engineering Agreement with Road District #9 to perform Construction oversite for multiple culvert replacements. (RBI Funds)
9. Other Business
10. Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Adjournment

OCTOBER 23, 2023

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday, October 23, 2023 at 9 am. Chr. Fanning asked Clk. Waggener to conduct the roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “present”, Commissioner Zeller answered “present” and Chr. Fanning answered “present”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. a quorum is present and the meeting may continue.

Chr. Fanning said the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said minutes from the October 10 board meeting need approval from the board. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed.

Public Comment-none

Committee Reports-none

Staff and Consultant Reports-Matthew Coultas said the Murrayville Road paving project will be done today.

Chr. Fanning said bills for $59,079.95 need approval from the board for payment. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the payment of bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the payment of bills in the stated amount as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said verifiable payroll for signing on the 27 and distribution on the 30 of October is the next item on the agenda. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated dates. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the verifiable payroll as stated as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Chr. Fanning said the next several items will be explained by Matt Coultas and turned the floor over. Mr. Coultas said a construction contract for removal and replacement of SN 069-3088 in road district #8 (Arnold Road) needs to be approved by the board. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the construction contract for road district #8 as discussed. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the construction contract in road district #8 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said the next construction contract is for removal and replacement for SN 069-3115 in road district #1 (Johnson Road). There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the construction contract for road district #1 as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the construction contract for road district #8 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said an engineering agreement for SN069-3014 in road district #1(Wheeler Road) is the next contract for approval and there is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the engineering agreement as discussed for road district #1. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll for the engineering agreement for road district #1 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr, the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said another engineering agreement for SN069-3202 road district #1 (Arcadia Road) needs the board to sign. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the engineering agreement as discussed for road district #1. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the engineering agreement for road district #1 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said an engineering agreement for SN069-3173 road district #8 (Woods Lane) needs approval. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the engineering agreement for road district #8 as discussed. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the engineering agreement for road district #8 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said another engineering agreement for SN069-3176 (Stevenson Road) road district #8 needs signatures from the board. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the engineering agreement for road district #8 as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the engineering agreement road district #8 as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said engineering agreement to replace culverts in road district #6 is the next agreement for signatures. There is discussion. Commissioner Zeller made a motion to approve the engineering agreement as discussed for road district #6. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the engineering agreement for road district #6 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.

Mr. Coultas said the last engineering agreement is for culvert replacements in road district #9. There is discussion. Commissioner Wankel made a motion to approve the engineering agreement for road district #9 as discussed. Commissioner Zeller seconded the motion. Chr. Fanning asked for roll call. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call for the engineering agreement for road district #9 as discussed as follows, Commissioner Wankel answered “aye”, Commissioner Zeller answered “aye” and Chr. Fanning answered “aye”. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. the motion has passed.


Closed Meeting Session (only if needed)-none

Chairman’s Remarks-none

Commissioner Zeller made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Wankel seconded the motion. All voted “aye”. The motion has passed and the meeting stands adjourned.