The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s office on Monday April 2, 2018 at 9 am. Chr. Zeller asked Clk. Waggener to conduct the roll call for today’s meeting. Clk. Waggener asked for roll call as follows, Chr. Zeller present, Commissioner Meier present and Commissioner Fanning present. Clk. Waggener informed the Chr. that a quorum is present and the meeting could continue.
Chr. Zeller said that the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Chr. Zeller said that the minutes from the March 26 board meeting are the next item for approval. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Public comment-none
Chr. Zeller said that a resolution for the material letting 2018 county mtf maintenance is the next item on the agenda and Matt Coultas is present an would explain. Mr. Coultas said that this is an annual resolution that the county approves and this does not have to be sent into the State. There was discussion. Commissioner Fanning made a motion to approve the resolution as discussed. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.
Reports of Departments-Treasurer Geirnaeirt said that the mobile home taxes were mailed out last week and the due date for those is June 14.
Chr. Zeller said that the ICA gave a distribution of funds to county boards and the County Board is donating this check to the United Way.
Commissioner Meier made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Fanning seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved. The meeting is adjourned.