March 10, 2014 Minutes

The Morgan County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioners office on Monday March 10, 2014 at 9 am. Present were Chairman Bradley A. Zeller, Commissioner Dick Rawlings and Commissioner Bill Meier.

Chr. Zeller said that the first order of business is the approval of the agenda. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

The next item needing approval Chr. Zeller said is the approval of the minutes from the February 24, 2014 board meeting. Commissioner Rawlings made a motion to approve the February 24 minutes as written. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that bills in the amount of $69,838.27 need approval for payment. Commissioner Meier made a motion to approve the bills in the stated amount. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the verifiable payroll for the March 15 payroll payable on March 14 is the next item needing approval from the board. Commissioner Rawlings made a motion to approve the verifiable payroll for the stated date. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that an appointment for Road District 8 Clerk is the next item on the agenda. Chr. Zeller said that Jane Bergschneider who is the current clerk is retiring and the board has a letter of recommendation for Pamela Reed to fill that vacancy. There was discussion. Commissioner Rawlings made a motion to approve the appointment per the letter of recommendation. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Chr. Zeller said that the intergovernmental agreement between the City of Jacksonville and Morgan County for the extension of the enterprise zone is the next item on the agenda. Chr. Zeller said that Mr. Dennison is present and would explain this. Mr. Dennison said that the maps provided to the board show the planned expansion area. There was discussion. Commissioner Meier said that this is a standard document and made a motion to approve this agreement as stated. Commissioner Rawlings seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved.

Reports of Departments-County Clerk Waggener said that her office will be open on Saturday March 15 from 9 am until noon for the sole purpose of grace period and early voting. Ms. Waggener said that her office will be closed on March 18 except for matters pertaining to the election.


Commissioner Rawlings made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Meier seconded the motion. All voted “AYE”. The motion is approved. The meeting is adjourned.